Desktop Repair

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Desktop Computer Service
Desktop Repair will cover all faults of a desktop computer, from any type of software failure. Whether its a corrupted registry in the operating system, or damage caused by a virus or any type of malware. Primal PC can solve all your problems. We also handle damaged hardware, bad motherboard, ram or failed hard disks. Give us a call today for a quote.
Data Recovery
Data recovery is also offered although it is not a common service due to its expensive cost. The only way to avoid loss of your data or and expensive recovery service is to protect your precise data. The only way to protect your data is through redundancy or backing up your data to several different hard drives. If your computer seems to be running slow or if you seem to be getting read write errors, or if the hard drive is unusually loud, especially a clicking sound, back up your data immediately and give us a call. If you hear those sounds your about to loose the hard drive including all your photos, movies and music.
Virus and Maleware Removal
Virus Removal can be avoided if you are using a good virus protection program, one of the most common places your desktop can get a virus is from Facebook. If your computer has been infected with a virus from Facebook then most likely it will have to be removed manually. Give us a call today for a quote.
PC Desktop Tuneup
PC Desktop Tuneup could be the most important service you could ever consider for your computer. Just like your vehicle that gets general maintenance about every three months, your computer requires the same attention. You could not only double the life of your computer, but you could achieve a much more reliable performance, and avoid costly repairs. This service is only $35.00 if the computer is droped off to us, or $45.00 for a onsite pc tune up.